Saturday, February 16, 2019
Athena :: essays research papers
genus AtheneThe paragon to be the topic of discussion in this report is genus Athene. genus Athene was animportant member of the Olympic pantheon. She was born fully armed from the supercilium of Zeus, the chief god. Athena was Zeuss favorite child. Heentrusted her with the Aegis, his breastplate, and with his thunderbolt.Athenas role as a goddess varied. She was a major warrior and most imagesdepict her dressed in equip and holding a spear. In Homers Iliad, she isdescribed as a scratchy battle goddess who continu every last(predicate)y intervened on the side ofthe Greeks. She also took an interest in handicrafts and agriculture. Theo eff tree, which she said to have created, is sacred to her. She was noted forher wisdom which explains her restricting association with the owl, an ancient symbolof wisdom and reason. The most famous synagogue to Athena was the Parthenon (5thcentury BC) which was named for Parthenos ("the Maiden"), which still standsatop the Acropolis in A thens. The intimate of the Parthenon stands a statue ofAthena Parthenos, sculpted by Phidais. When I was reading through and through myths, Idecided I would talk about "The Gift of Athena" which, in my opinion, top hatillustrates Athenas colorful personality. Here is how "The Gift of Athena"goesLong, persistent ago, when this old world was a very(prenominal) young place, and when the few mint there were had just begun to live together in groups for their ownprotection, the striking gods selected the places for humans to build the cities.They looked down upon the earth, through the clouds that shrouded their home onthe very peak of the high mountain called Olympus, and they chose the sites theythought would provide everything mortals needed to live and prosper. Now, eachgod and goddess was eager to have a great city construct in his or her honor, and sothe prime locations-the very best places for the great cities to be built cameto cause much bickering and jeal ousy among the many deities for all wanted agreat city built in their honor, a city whose people would worship thatparticular god or goddess above all others. It happened that great Zeus, theking and ruler of all the gods, had found a spot on earth that appearedabsolutely ideal for the building of a noble city indeed, he foresaw that thecity that would be built there would someday become the noblest city on earth.Well, you drop imagine that all the gods and goddesses wanted this city for theirown, and you would be right.
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